On Sept 1, 2019, i had put up a view that Economy of India is heading north post the upcoming new year time for Long term. Tweet is as under:
However, the markets thrashed in Feb & March due to lockdown /Covid and on March 23rd 2020 Indian Markets made a major bottom. However, one would believe later on that it was a sign of major bottom for Indian Economy as well.
Astrologically, whenever Saturn & Jupiter conjuncts there is a major revolution and given this conjunction happened in Capricorn in Dec 2020, an earthly sign, & because of other planetary effects & combinations, the Indian economy is bound to move northwards in long term. Corporate performance over last 2 quarters have improved significantly.
To update, i would re-iterate that the economic scenario of particularly our country is going to rise remarkably and for next 3-5 years there would be huge upswing in Economic condition.
Farmer`s income is going to double from the current levels. Businesses will prosper. Right skilled people will see job demand on rise exponentially & employment will also see rise. Average salary of people in job also going to make upward correction.
However, one must see that the way of doing businesses will not be same. Few sectors which have been earning may not earn super profits, while few other sectors which were average over last two decades, they may come out with flying colors.
Nifty & Sensex is bound to double/triple from the current levels. So imagining Nifty at 40000-45000 or Sensex at 125000-150000 may seem a little difficult right now. But i presume with the economy opening up, GDP shall also rise in good number & these markets view may turn true. As per India`s horoscope also, there is likely growth in big scale over next 4-5 years.
Whatever steps the BJP government have undertaken over last few years, the effects of those should span out. Atmanirbhar Bharat and Make in India will be the highlight later on & good contributor.
Immediate in short term some dates may be important to highlight. Around Feb 13th, the Mercury-Venus conjunction is happening & Around Feb 24-27th Rahu shall be trine to Jupiter. This may bring a short term volatility and a short term trend change as well. Then on March 26th 2021, Sun & Venus conjunction is happening which is again a short term trend reversal possibility. Then around 17- 19th April 2021 there would be planetary effects which may bring trend reversal. Further updates whenever required and possible shall be done on the twitter account.
Disclaimer: The above article is just an analysis and trying to glean from Planets how the markets or economy may behave in future. There is no such recommendation or advice and the author wouldn’t be responsible for any kind of losses incurred due to any action taken pursuant to the Article written.